2020 Happy Diwali The colourful Rangoli kolam that adorns the entrance of (seated on the chair, extreme right) Lotus…sharmini13 November, 2020
2020 Tourism players banking on special govt aid to save industry Local tourism players are counting on the special Kita Prihatin assistance package from the government to…sharmini1 October, 2020
2020 Lotus Group to focus on four new sectors in next 5-10 years Lotus Group akan menumpukan kepada empat sektor baharu dalam tempoh lima hingga 10 tahun akan datang,…Webmaster23 September, 2020
2020Highlights Lotus Group Beri Tumpuan Pada Empat Sektor Baharu Dalam Masa 5-10 Tahun Lotus Group akan menumpukan kepada empat sektor baharu dalam tempoh lima hingga 10 tahun akan datang,…sharmini23 September, 2020
2020 Lotus Group to focus on four new sectors in next five to 10 years, says chief financial officer Lotus Group will focus on four new sectors in the next five to 10 years, namely…sharmini22 September, 2020
2020 Lotus Group to focus on four new sectors in next five to 10 years, says chief financial officer Lotus Group will focus on four new sectors in the next five to 10 years, namely…sharmini22 September, 2020
2020 No major Indian movie release for Deepavali a blessing in disguise for local producers? The Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused major Indian movie releases being postponed indefinitely, provides an opportunity…sharmini15 September, 2020
2020 Ketua Hakim Negara antara terima gelaran Tun Ketua Hakim Negara, Tan Sri Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat mendahului senarai 829 penerima Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang…sharmini17 August, 2020
2020 Noor Hisham made Tan Sri in birthday honours Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) pro-chancellor Arshad Ayub have been…sharmini17 August, 2020
2020 Tengku Maimun, Dr Arshad Ayub dahului senarai penerima darjah kebesaran, pingat Ketua Hakim Negara, Tan Sri Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat dan Pro-Canselor Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Tan…sharmini17 August, 2020